Can Erturk's website logo.

I'm Can Erturk.
A Full-stack Developer.

I'm a full-stack javascript developer, currently based in Turkey. I have a passion for Javascript development and love to create apps with using its frameworks.

Information about Can Erturk's technical knowledge.
About Me

A full-stack Javascript developer

I'm Can Erturk. I have been into web development since 2020, spending about 3 years as a front-end developer and the last 1 year as a full-stack developer. I have the ability to quickly adapt to new technologies. After a short training, I can work on any project that uses Javascript.

I using React.js & Vue.js on front-end, Node.js on back-end, and MySQL or MongoDB for databases. Additionally, I enjoy using high-performance frameworks which allows us to use SSG & SSR such as Next.js.

Beyond development, I can use design tools like Figma and I know some design principles.


What I'm Good At

My skills, and tools I use... For those who know what they are looking for.

Bootstrap, Material UI, Headless UI, Python basics and more are also in my skillset.

Sass & Scss icon.Sass & Scss
TailwindCSS icon.TailwindCSS
Javascript icon.Javascript
Typescript icon.Typescript
Vue icon.Vue
React icon.React
NextJS icon.NextJS
NodeJS icon.NodeJS
ExpressJS icon.ExpressJS
MongoDB icon.MongoDB
MySQL icon.MySQL
Redux icon.Redux
Git icon.Git
Jest icon.Jest

Take a Look At My Projects

Listed below are 6 of my prominent projects.

Check out my Github profile to see more.

Next.js e-commerce application Project thumbnail placeholder.

Next.js e-commerce application

Full-stack e-commerce application built with Next.js.

Not completed yet.
MERN car rental website Project thumbnail placeholder.

MERN car rental website

Car rental website built with MERN stack.

Not completed yet.
Blockchain-based chat app Project thumbnail placeholder.

Blockchain-based chat app

Chat application built with blockchain technology.

Not completed yet.
MERN inventory management system project thumbnail.

MERN inventory management system

Inventory management system for small & medium businesses.

Vue.js digital agency website project thumbnail.

Vue.js digital agency website

Digital agency website built with Vue.js.

React crypto tracking website project thumbnail.

React crypto tracking website

Cryptocurrency tracking website with React (Only dark mode)


Need a developer?

I am available for work, and I am open to new projects.

Feel free to contact me via email at